Monday 9 February 2009

that's what you get

So what would've happened if I stayed getting the numbers I was getting in December?

If I'd carried on how I was, I would be really risking some seriously horrible stuff happening to my health and well being. One thing that happens when you have consistently high readings over a number of years is that you start to get haemorrhaging of the blood vessels in your retina - a condition called retinopathy. As more vessels burst, you start developing black spots on your vision that you can't shift. You'd need some serious-ass surgery to sort it out which is beyond the means of most - if it exists at all?! If several of them bood vessels start to burst, you're on a one way ticket to blindness.


...and it gets worse
High blood sugars don't just hurt your eyes, they will really fuck around with your kidneys, your heart and, scarily, your nerves.

Keep the blood sugars too high and I'll be asking for big trouble. Your nerves are really important. They're a big factor in controlling digestion for instance. When the nerves have been degraded by consistently high sugar levels, they cause a constant alternation between constipation and diarrhoea. This condition is called neuropathy.

When you read about some of the sufferers in their 20s and 30s it's hard to accept. The stories are beyond heartbreaking, they're heart stamping. I don't mean to venture into hyperbole but if you read what some people are going through, you'll understand what I'm trying to describe.

The sad thing is that there are loads of people, often teenagers who are struggling so bad to keep themselves controlled that they're heading straight down the railroad to this real-life hell.

I was riding this very track until this January and it's only will power that'll keep me away.


  1. hey,

    thanks for your mail... one of the reasons i started the blog was to see if it would help someone else and it if has given you some information then that is great.. it is great to see that you are getting your sugars under control, keep on in there i will be checking in on you now and will kick your ass if you start rising again.. it aint easy but you seem like you are getting to grips with it.. once again it means alot that you took the time to mail me...
    kind regards


  2. Thanks Lee

    I'll be keeping a look in on you.
