Sunday 1 February 2009

A month later, has it worked?

About a month after choosing to post my results on a blog, has it actually worked?

I think so. The results have definitely better and I still feel committed to keep going.

In the past I've 'endeavoured' to record my results and get better permanently but then it's all gone to pot very early on.

When it goes wrong: the usual routine
  1. The first week sees a marked improvement
  2. The second week I start to get results which don't make sense to me
  3. This makes me feel dis-spirited
  4. My efforts to keep up the monitoring soon fall apart
  5. Within three weeks time I'm back to old habits of not recording and not really caring
It's a pretty sorry tale.

What's different now?
This time I've recognised that things do get out of hand in the second week. I've taken that as given and kept up the work and it's helping.

Now I'm starting to see patterns in the numbers I'm getting. This is good and allows me to see if I'm making regular miscalculations.

Myt highest figure was a 16 which was down to eating a large portion of chips. I should know better for next time.

Now that I've got some basic control, it frees up my mind to concentrate on the details and iron out the creases, like occasional high readings. Previously, there'd be so much to take in I wouldn't even get started.

Regular sleep times
Certainly a big help has been the better sleeping habits I've stuck to this month.

I'm really pleased to see a huge collumn of black in the early hours of the morning. December had readings scattered between 2 and 6 in the morning, in January it became an untouched area.

This is very useful as the more regular your days are, the easier it becomes to manage the diabetes.

Easy on my mind
A useful side effect of my better sleep and diabetes control has been that I feel more awake in the day.

I also think that writing things down in this here blog has made things easier on my mind. It's like taking the problems and offloading them into the internet.

I don't feel I need to spend so much time worrying about things. If I need to think about things I can always revisit them here. It feels like I've freed up space in my mind to think about other things. My brain feels like it can take on more things now than it could just a month previously. It feels like there's less background stress.

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