Thursday 8 January 2009


That was the first blog post I ever wrote. Best to have a tiny amount of bullshit than a whole set of pages full of bullshit.

I don't really look at many blogs so I don't know how most of them are started. I would imagine some people take some trouble to explain who they are and why they're starting a blog.

I suppose the facet of me that interests myself the most is that I am committed to a girl I've not been in a relationship with for over three years now. It's been interesting to me how I've coped and grown as a result.

There are obviously a lot of unfavourable consequences of such a position. You feel you're missing out on an awful lot of things. There have been a lot of times when I've been jealous of others who are in relationships.

However, there are benefits too. You have to deal with things like jealousy head on. You have to confront your weaknesses and get over or around them. I've also developed quite a healthy attitude towards other girls in that it doesn't bother me too much if other girls don't take to me. Having that attitude is a big help as it stops you from having a neediness that can become a huge liability in one's life.

I've always been shy to varying degrees so having an attitude that allows me not to care so much helps a lot.

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